Does Himalayan Pink Salt Worth all the Hype?

Himalayan Pink Salt, also known as Rock Crystal Salt and Halite is extracted from the famous salt mines located beneath the Himalayan Mountain Range in Pakistan, Punjab. It is usually found in huge chunks but it has the ability to be molded in the required shapes easily. The fun fact about the pink salt is... Continue Reading →

Benefits of Himalayan Salt Room

About 118 elements are found on earth and they make up all the things. Out of these, 94 occur natural and the rest of them are very unstable, so they do not exist in normal conditions. Most of the living matter is composed of carbon whereas the atmosphere is composed of oxygen. But, all the... Continue Reading →

Salt Frames to Décor your Salt Room

There are many different mountains on earth. Some are the snow-covered peaks and some are the hot volcanic mountains full of lava. Rivers, on which country’s agriculture depends, originate from the mountains. In this way, the mountains are a blessing. Those mountains are another kind of blessing which have hidden treasures in them. Pakistan has... Continue Reading →

Why you should buy salt decoration piece?

The beautiful Christmas tree decorated with different kinds of light, stars and other decorative things is a very charming thing. People all over the globe celebrate their Christmas by erecting a pretty Christmas tree in their houses and their celebrations are incomplete without it. Marriages are an occasion of joy and this celebration is enhanced... Continue Reading →

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